New Year's Resolutions, why we make and break them.


So… it’s the 18th of January… Hump day and yes… I have broken my new year’s resolutions a million times already…! But as Captain Jack says, “they’re more of a guideline than actual rules”. A new year’s resolution is where we decide to change an undesired trait or behaviour, why do we wait for the clock to strike midnight before we change something we dislike in our lives?


If any of you know me, you’ll know I’m a bit of a nerd (apparently) I also loveeeee a meme and a Star Wars one a whole lot more…! My favourite meme so far has to be this…

Everyone thinks that 2016 was a tough one and for some people it probably was, some dramatic things might quite possibly of happened... let's not talk about it... but when life gets tough you have to think it can only get better! Make every situation you’re in a positive one! Take all the negative things from 2016 and flip them the bird!

Not happy with your job? Get a new one?
Not happy with your body? Get to the gym!
Want to travel more? Jump on a plane!

You may be thinking… It’s not that simple… and to be honest with you guys I thought like this too but you know what? It really is that simple! We moan and complain that our lives could be better yet we’re the only ones that can make it better!

Everyone complains about their job myself included, however I honestly love it, the path I’m on with it and I wouldn’t change it for the world! I love my little MAC family and even the customers… Sometimes!!

I’m not unhappy with my body but I know I can do better and feel better so I’m working on a  mini lifestyle change! If you’ve seen my Instagram then you know I’m actually really trying hard this time! Still eating what I want, just thinking differently and exercising more and it’s working, determined now! Told our security guard at work that i'd lost 2 pounds in my first week... He said i'd probably dropped it down the sofa... Thanks K!

When I look back I want to be able to say I’ve seen the world, actually working on this too, the Flurry (The bestie) and I have booked a holiday to Budapest!!! (literally can’t stop singing George Ezra, Budapest Haaaaa!!) I’m alwaysssss and I mean always broke but the way I see it is life is to be lived!

On a lighter hopefuly more funny note, Tinder has been deleted… go ahead, laugh! I’m laughing too don’t worry! I’ve been on and off it for a couple of years mainly out of curiosity to see who’s on there, swiping in the lady’s room from time to time. My cousin always steals my phone when I visit home so she can have a look and see who’s on there… She’s engaged so she claims to be looking for me when we all know she’s just super nosey! Haaaaa! I know quite a few people in tinder relationships and they’re extremely happy and I’m absolutely over the moon for them, everything happens for a reason and I love that they have theirs. I have my reason/reasons for deleting it I’ve been single long enough to be able to enjoy my own company, I think I’m alright… that’s all that matters hahaha! Plus, I’d have no idea what to do with a human if I even got one…

I am extremely happy on my 2017 path and grateful for everything and everyone I have, I’ve had massive clear out, mind, body and soul. A great quote from the wise Pumba… “Like my buddy Timon says; You got to put your behind in your past.” Or you got to put your past behind you… I’m not quite sure who to believe on this one… Lets go with Pumba! However the moral of the story is to MAKE YOUR STORY!! Forget your New Years Resolutions and just do you, do what makes you happy, have the attitude that 2017 is your year and it will be. Just remember… Do or do not… There is no try.

Peace out.

I’d love to know what your non New year’s resolutions are?? And how you flipped 2016 the bird! Let me know!!

Own it.
Make it yours.
Lots of Love,
Just Saffron.

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