

Hey everyone!!

If anyone in fact is reading this… I’m Just Saffron, Saffron Rose. Pleasure to meet you, I’m 23 and I’m a southerner lost adulting in the midlands… 
(Send help!!!)

Things that I love… First and foremost, tea, I drink endless amounts of tea, a cup of tea is my everything… Red wine & cheese are up there, I can be a grumpy gills if I haven’t had my eight hours so I’d say I unquestionably love my sleep! 
Dominos are the only people that really message me, they just understand me you know…? 
I am absolutely a dog person… Sorry not sorry!

I’m new to this blogging thing… I’ve set it up as I have graduated university this year in Special Effects & Media Makeup, I like to have something to focus on and I’m embarrassed to admit that I miss writing essays…!!! 
(I know, I’m super weird).

My blog… Successful or not will feature everything I love from makeup and beauty, food and my awful attempts at weight loss or even just a mixture of random lifestyle and fun reviews.

I will be writing of things I am passionate about or I may just want to know more of… I hope that you enjoy. I’m only young and I am fortunate to have met some incredible people along the journey that has led me to where I am now, they are the reason I’m writing this, the ones who have inspired me so thank you.

You’re most probably going to see a lot of MAC products on her as TA DAAAA that’s where I work, I absolutely love my job to the moon and back and every aspect or opportunity that comes with it.

Feel free to drop me a message!! I love questions!!
Lost of Love, Saffron.


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